Divide Zero Networks

Tuesday, Oct 22

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Technical Support

Quick Links:
Webmail (https://secure.divide0.net/mail)
E-Mail Administration (https://secure.divide0.net/qmailadmin)

Control Panel:
Divide Zero Control Panel - Log in with the same username and password used to modify your account. Please use this to update information on your account and view your account information.

How do I contact you?
How do I add additional e-mail accounts, aliases, or forwards?
I uploaded files to my site but they are not appearing on the web!!
How do I see the files in a directory without any indexes?
Where are the MySQL backups stored?
Why can I receive mail but not send it?
How do I password protect my directory?
How do I setup my POP3 account?
How do I connect to divide0.net?
Can we run IRC clients such as BitchX?
Are eggdrops allowed?
Why is my POP3/SMTP account not working?

How do I contact you?
For support or technical questions please email tech-help AT divide0.net or support-help AT divide0.net.

For billing questions, please email billing AT divide0.net.

Note: replace the AT with the @ sign, so @divide0.net (we do this to prevent spammers from scraping the pages for e-mail addresses.)

Once you have e-mailed us, you will receive a ticket number and we will respond to your e-mail within one business day.

How do I add additional e-mail accounts, aliases, or forwards?
Please go
here and log in with postmaster, the domain you want to modify, and your password. From there you can control all the e-mail settings for your domain.

I uploaded files to my site but they are not appearing on the web!!
Make sure that you upload to the www/www.yoursite.com/htdocs folder. This is the "web" directory that all your files will go into. If you are still having problems, e-mail us and we will look into it.

How do I see the files in a directory without any indexes?
By default, if you try to go to a directory that has files in it but no index.*, then it will give you an Forbidden error. Please e-mail
tech@divide0.net stating that you'd like a certain directory to be viewable without any index file. We can do this on a directory basis, or on a whole site basis. The reason we do not do this by default is often people have files in a directory that they don't want anyone being able to just browse, or they don't want a search engine to index it.

Where are the MySQL backups stored?
You can find your mysql backups in /home/backups/mysql/databasename. There are monthly and daily backups stored there. If you do not see your database in there please e-mail
tech@divide0.net requesting that it be backed up.

Why can I receive mail but not send it?
Many providers filter the port that is used to send mail to cut down on spammers. Divide Zero Networks also has an outgoing mail port running on 10025 instead of just the normal port 25. Go into the advanced options of your mail program and specify the port as 10025.

How do I password protect my directory?
Password protection is performed via Apache's built-in password protection support, .htaccess.
In the directory which you would like to password protect, type pico .htaccess. Paste the following, while replacing anything inside [] tags with the appropriate relative information:

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/[YOUR_LOGIN]/.htpasswd
require valid-user

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/user123/.htpasswd
AuthName "User123's Protected Pages"
require valid-user

Press ctrl+x, y, enter to exit. Now execute the following command to create your password file, .htpasswd:

htpasswd -c /home/[YOUR_LOGIN]/.htpasswd [DESIRED_USERNAME]

htpasswd -c /home/user123/.htpasswd Admin
Adding password for Admin.
New password:
Re-type new password:

Enter the password you desire when prompted, and the directory which contains .htaccess and all subdirectories will now be password protected.

To add more users to your .htpasswd file, simply use the htpasswd command without the -c switch:

htpasswd /home/[YOUR_LOGIN]/.htpasswd [DESIRED_USERNAME]

How do I setup my POP3 account?
Our incoming and outgoing mail servers are mail.divide0.net. Simply use your e-mail client, commonly Microsoft Outlook, and add a new mail account. Enter mail.divide0.net for your incoming and outgoing servers, and your login and password for the username and password.

How do I connect to divide0.net?
Connection to Divide Zero is by Secure Shell (SSH) and FTP. For SSH, download a SSH-enabled telnet program such as Putty or SecureCRT from
www.downloads.com. Enter divide0.net for the hostname, and connect. There are no special instructions for FTP; just use a standard FTP program to upload and download files to and from divide0.net.

Can we run IRC clients such as BitchX?
We currently are not allowing IRC clients to be run on our shells. However, java applets for web based IRC clients are acceptable.

Are eggdrops allowed?
We currently do not allow eggdrops to be run on our server.

Why is my POP3/SMTP account not working?
In order to send mail via POP3 or IMAP, you must first download your mail off the server.


Divide Zero Networks
Copyright © 2001, Divide Zero Networks. All rights reserved.
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